Advanced CoMputing Continuum Solutions for Boosting DigITalization across European RegionS
The AMBITIOUS project aims to address a number of important challenges for European small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) that are competitive on the world market, to improve the state-of-the-art in data analysis, artificial intelligence, 5G and Internet of Things (IoT) as well as to promote interregional collaboration and market access.
The main objective of AMBITIOUS is to provide a key technology infrastructure, which will provide advanced data aggregation and cleanup, analysis, artificial intelligence based forecasting and secure information exchange mechanisms, through a transparent IT continuum infrastructure, to be integrated with existing and mature services of the participating SMEs, freeing up for them still unforeseen functionalities and opening up new avenues of commercial exploitation. The fundamental infrastructure envisaged will be provided through the implementation of technological pillars, which will interact with existing services to support the planned functionalities. The solutions to be developed by the participating SMEs will be demonstrated through seven use cases involving four countries: Finland, Greece, Italy and Sweden.
The objectives were defined in line with the priority areas of the Smart Specialisation Strategy (S3) of the participating regions. Various sectors will be targeted, including safety (surveillance and monitoring), intelligent water management, precision agriculture, and innovative digital health and wellness services.
The consortium consists of 18 partners.
- Luleå University of Technology (coordinator – contact: Karl Andersson)
- Thingwave AB
- University of Patras
- Sammy PC
- PIKEI New Technologies
- Frontida Zois
- Hellenic Telecommunications Organization
- Municipality of Egaleo
- Region of Western Greece
- Cluster Smart Cities & Communities Lombardy
- Italtel SPA
- Clust-ER Health
- Clust-ER Innovate
- Datariver SRL
- Savonia University of Applied Sciences
- Funlus Oy
- Brainport Development NV

Clust-ER Health, together with the WP6 leader Italtel SPA, will play a leading role in the dissemination, communication and exploitation activities of the project results. In fact, Clust-ER Health will act as communication leader and will work together with all project partners to maximise the project’s visibility, share knowledge and engage all relevant stakeholders, ultimately promoting collaboration and the wider social benefits of AMBITIOUS solutions. The Clust-ER will also support Italian SMEs in the implementation of their use cases, in identifying the needs and requirements of the tools and services to be developed. It will also use its established networks to recruit users for the demonstration, testing and evaluation phase.
DataRiver will develop, in collaboration with the other partners, a technological infrastructure capable of providing advanced data aggregation, analysis and predictions with the use of artificial intelligence and implement secure mechanisms for the exchange of information collected also through the use of digital tools to improve patient engagement and support.

To learn more, visit the official website

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency (EISMEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.