Arab Health 2022 | The participation of Clust-ER Health

Arab Health, the exhibition dedicated to the most important healthcare sector in East Asia and the Middle East, was held from 24 to 27 January, in which Clust-ER Health participated in presence as part of the mission in Dubai.

An important opportunity for visibility and networking was the participation in Arab Health 2022 for Clust-ER Health, which was selected by ICE-Agency for the promotion abroad and internationalization of Italian companies together with other realities to represent national excellence in the spaces dedicated to Italy. 

The 47th edition took place this year in mixed mode, in presence and online, at the World Trade Center in Dubai, involving hundreds of companies divided into geographical and thematic areas: from medical devices to diagnostics, orthopedics, prevention, wellness and INFORMATION systems at the service of health, there were numerous opportunities to get to know the most prominent international players in the healthcare sector.

The remarkable turnout on all 4 days made all the realities present breathe again a climate of recovery and return to interaction, after two long years of remote events and missed opportunities to meet.

Clust-ER Health has focused its presence on networking and matching activities with foreign companies and delegations, telling the excellence and assets of the Emilia-Romagna Region in the health and wellness sector based on the data that emerged in the analysis carried out with Ernst & Young during 2020. Pharmaceuticals and advanced therapies, biomedical technologies, big data and digital health, orthopedics, neuroscience, nutraceuticals and veterinary medicine are in fact some of the issues on which the Clust-ER is focusing its attention, both to promote the economic development of the regional ecosystem, and to attract new scientific collaborations and investments from abroad.

Among the realities participating in the event, also several members of the Clust-ER and companies of the Emilia-Romagna Region, for which Arab Health is now a usual appointment to deal with foreign markets in which scientific collaborations and export activities have been concentrated over the years.

The Clust-ERs are financed by the European Funds of the Emilia-Romagna Region - ERDF ROP 2021-2027