BIOMATDB: Take part in the survey
Keeping track of the vast selection of biomaterials available on the market can be difficult as research, demand, and supply continue to rapidly expand. Clust-ER Health is a member of the “BIOMATDB: Advanced Database for Biomaterials with Data Analysis and Visualisation Tools extended by a Marketplace with Digital Advisors” project. Funded by Horizon Europe, it aims to address this challenge through the development of adequate solutions to support the biomaterials and medical device market: an advanced biomaterials database, an information marketplace with digital advisors, and a label of biocompatibility.
The objective is to enable suppliers gain easier access to the market, to help demanders navigate information more efficiently, and to make the selection of suitable biomaterials for a specific application more intuitive. To ensure that the biomaterials database and marketplace meet the exact needs and requirements of its intended future users, it is crucial that the biomaterials community is involved in the design stage of the tools developed by BIOMATDB.
To this end, the BIOMATDB consortium is conducting five different stakeholder surveys and asking members of the biomaterials community interested in using the future biomaterials database and marketplace to provide their expertise and input as:
- Researchers in the field of biomaterials or related areas: take this survey
- Suppliers of biomaterials or related products and services: take this survey
- Enablers such as biomaterials societies, networks, or associations: take this survey
- Demanders of biomaterials like hospitals, clinicians and purchasing organisations: take this survey
- Investors and Policy Makers in the area of biomaterials or related products: take this survey
The deadline for participation is 30th November 2022.

If you would like to read more information about the project and its objectives, please have a look at the BIOMATDB project website or register to the newsletter.

“Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Health and Digital Executive Agency (HADEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.”