BIOMATDB webinars: discover new tools for the biomaterials community!
We are happy to announce that the BIOMATDB Project will host two webinars in February, introducing the solutions developed within the project!
A Deep Dive into the Biomaterial Marketplace
Introducing the Biomaterial Marketplace – the first webinar called “A Deep Dive into the Biomaterial Marketplace” will take place on February 6, 2025, from 10:00-11:30. During the webinar, BIOMATDB partners will introduce the project and the marketplace, providing a live demo of its key functionalities.

Empowering Research with the Biomaterial Database
Insights into the Biomaterial Database – the second webinar, “Empowering Research with the Biomaterial Database: Tools and Insights”, will be hosted on February 11, 2025, from 10:00-11:30. This event will introduce the biomaterial database, including information about its wide array of features and a live demonstration of how it can be used by biomaterial researchers.

The webinars are open to anyone interested – we are looking forward to seeing you there!

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