Italy-Canada Mission: healthcare infrastructures and medical supplies

ICE Agency organizes a mission of Canadian operators in Italy in the healthcare, medical supplies and infrastructure sectors. The event is organized in collaboration with Confindustria DM, Politecnico di Milano, Assolombarda, Regione Piemonte/CEI Piemonte, CNA Modena, Clust-ER Health, ART-ER, Distretto Biomedicale di Mirandola and with OICE and ANCE regarding infrastructures.

The aims of the mission, organized by the Tenders and Procurement Observatory of the ICE Office in Toronto, are:

  • Present the healthcare sector in Canada with particular reference to public procurement
  • Highlight the health infrastructure (buildings and plants) planned or under construction
  • Describe the regulations and how to enter the market for medical devices
  • Promote networking and increase the Italian presence on the market, through partnerships or supply or subcontracting relationships
  • Promote the services and activities of the ICE Agency Tenders and Procurement Observatory in Canada (www.gareappalti.ca)

The mission, scheduled from 27 to 31 March 2023, provides for transits in the following cities, with the involvement of local bodies, organisations and companies in the two sectors indicated:

  • Milan
  • Turin
  • Modena – Mirandola

In each location, the following will be organized:

  • A meeting with institutions, associations and other stakeholders illustrating the economy of the territory, aimed at Canadian delegates;
  • A seminar animated by interactive presentations and streamed, followed by a session of talks with the speakers;
  • Opportunities for visits to companies, research centers or health facilities.

The calendar includes:

  • Monday 27/03 13:30 – 16:30 – Milan, Palazzo Delle Stelline, C.so Magenta 61 – in presence & streaming Zoom
  • Tuesday 28/03 13:30 – 16:30 – Turin, Sala ITCILO, Via Maestri del Lavoro, 10 – in presence
  • Thursday 30/03 13:30 – 16:30 – Modena, Sala CNA, Via Malavolti, 27 – in presence: on this occasion the Clust-ER Health and the Policlinico di Sant’Orsola will be present.

Below is the link to join one of the scheduled meetings: https://forms.gle/t6BPMQKfp88PaQeTA

It is possible to select one or more seminars; For the hybrid version on Zoom, scheduled only for Monday 27.03, the link for access will be sent to registered companies.

The Clust-ERs are financed by the European Funds of the Emilia-Romagna Region - ERDF ROP 2021-2027