The SECURE project turns two in London
The partners of the SECURE project flew to London on 23 and 24 September 2024 for the fourth plenary meeting, which was organised by the National Nuclear Laboratory.

The first day was hosted at the headquarters of the Royal Society of Chemistry and featured technical workshops and presentations of three work packages that are related to the scientific actions of the consortium. They indeed pertain to source materials and targets for production of new high potential radionuclides (Work Package 1), adequate and reliable production routes for therapeutic and diagnoostic radionucludiedes selected under WP1 (WP2), as well as recommendations for clinical applications and radiation protection (WP4). Each task leader provided detailed presentations on the current status of the activities, outlining ongoing and future work. The meeting included an overview of submitted deliverables and those planned for the upcoming months. This included the work led by our member, the Istituto Romagnolo per lo Studio dei Tumori Dino Amadori – IRST, on the recommendations on clinical applications of Targeted Alpha Therapy (TAT). Finally, open discussions allowed all participants to answer questions and address challenges.

The second day took place within the premises of the Barts Cancer Institute and followed a similar format. Presentations and discussions addressed efforts to overcome production challenges related to raw W-188 (WP3), alongside updates on dissemination, communication, and exploitation activities aimed at maximising project impact (WP5). The consortium agreed it is now generating results to showcase and emphasised the importance of publishing these findings to effectively disseminate them to the scientific and regulatory communities, while also coordinating promotional efforts among partners to ensure maximum visibility. The agenda also covered more general aspects of project management (WP6), including data handling and project coordination to ensure smooth progress and alignment across all activities. The day concluded with an optional tour of the laboratories.

For more information on the SECURE project, visit the official website.

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