As frontier of innovation in medicine, this sector includes, in its broadest definition, “regenerative medicine”, “reparative medicine”, “reconstructive medicine”, “regenerative rehabilitation”, “cellular and gene therapies” and “tissue engineering”. In the Region has been able to combine scientific excellence with entrepreneurial initiative; it can count on dedicated clinical structures in different areas, and on a network of public-private planning that links it to national strategic initiatives and to the most qualified international fields. It also generates an important induced, also driven to the innovation of products and services.
The Strategic Objectives of the VC Regenerative and Reparative Medicine (MedRER) are:
- Strategic Objective 1 – Development and industrialization of medicinal products for advanced therapies aimed at replacing and / or regenerating cells, tissues or organs, with a view to personalized and precision medicine.
- Strategic Objective 2 – Development and testing of therapies and tools for self-repair using electromedical and medical devices, biomaterials, tissue derivatives, drugs and combinatorial products.
The Value Chain are chaired by a Chair and a Vice Chair, which for the VC MedRER are:

Anna Tampieri
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - ISSMC

Michele De Luca
Vice Chair
University of Modena and Reggio Emilia