This area deals with the design, integration and testing of technological tools and services for the promotion of active and independent life and for the personalized, sustainable and health-conscious management. As well as numerous consolidated stakeholders, it can rely on an extensive network of micro and small businesses, also born as successful spin-offs from dedicated academic fields, and on a regional sectoral policy strongly committed to combining welfare and social aspects, with policies of de-hospitalization, promotion of healthy and active life, and the quality of aging.

The Strategic Objectives of VC Technologies for Healthy, Active and Independent Living (SalusTech) are:

  • Strategic Objective 1 – Promotion of health and mental and physical well-being of people of different generations.
  • Strategic Objective 2 – Assistive technologies for autonomy, diagnosis, prevention and therapy.
  • Strategic Objective 3 – Effectiveness, productivity and inclusiveness of public and private social and health services.

The Value Chain are chaired by a Chair and a Vice Chair, which for the SalusTech VC are:


Mirko Orsini


Datariver srl

Giuseppe Mincolelli

Vice Chair

Teknehub - Università di Ferrara

The Clust-ERs are financed by the European Funds of the Emilia-Romagna Region - ERDF ROP 2021-2027