BioMatDB: Clust-ER Health among the partners of the new European project
The activities of the European project BioMatDB, a 30-month Coordination and Support Action (CSA) that will allow to develop and validate an advanced database for biomaterials, with data analysis and visualization tools, will start in May.
BIOMATDB: an overview
The BIOMATDB project will develop an advanced database for biomaterials that can provide detailed information on their properties. The database will integrate the available search results in order to incorporate data on all material properties. BIOMATDB will also provide a web-optimized information venue and digital consultants to support companies, especially SMEs, in order to gain access and visibility to the market. The web application will allow a match between suppliers and applicants through intelligent matching tools and step-by-step decision support. To support companies, BIOMATDB will also focus on creating a biocompatibility label that reflects the standard quality biomaterial for application in a medical device or advanced therapies.
The BIOMATDB consortium consists of 12 partners that include software developers, data engineering, biomaterials research institutes, clinics and medical organisations acting as expert and demonstration partners, as well as industrial and biomaterials research networks. Thanks to this involvement, the BIOMATDB project will also be able to start from the results of the DEBBIE Project (H2020 MSCA, n. 751277, “A database of experimental biomaterials and their biological effect”, 09/2018 – 12/2020) launched by Prof. HAKIMI and supported by 2 consortium partners, including the Barcelona Supercomputing Center.
The project consortium will be coordinated by SYNYO GmbH (Coordinator and Lead Development Partner), a leading SME based in Vienna, an independent research, innovation and technology centre that explores, develops and implements new technologies to address business and societal challenges. SYNYO analyses the impact of emerging technologies on businesses and consumers and provides customers with new insights into innovations that impact their investments and businesses.

The role of clust-ER
The Consortium also integrates experienced partners representing suppliers and user networks, such as hospitals. Their involvement ensures that the solution is tailor-made to the required requirements and that it is taken up and used, thanks to an exploitation plan developed within the BIOMATDB project. The partners will also ensure the communication of the steps and results of the project through their own channels both to the experts and, in a more informative way, to the citizenry.
Clust-ER Health will be involved in most WPs and will have resources available to involve its members and stakeholders in the development of the database. In particular, thanks to the recruitment of new staff, he will have the task of defining the requirements useful for the construction of the database and supporting the validation of the final result of the project, as well as the communication and dissemination of the results within the network of associates and professionals.
The output of the project: scientific, economic and social impacts and impacts
The BIOMATDB project responds to call CL4-2021-RESILIENCE-01, which aims to promote the European Research Area as a single market for knowledge by funding projects of excellence in science, technology and innovation. Given the large amount of biological and clinical data that is being produced today more and more rapidly, BIOMATDB will provide an overview of this availability of data, which will have a technological impact and will indirectly allow to discover new opportunities, new knowledge and create new methods to improve the quality of healthcare in Europe.
Among the economic impacts there is the greater visibility and usability of a database of biomaterials that allows extraction, analysis and reuse of data in multiple areas of application; this will help bridge the gap between industry and academia, but also clinical and regulatory. By facilitating research and promoting its excellence, it will therefore be possible to reduce the time to market. This will allow researchers, policymakers and business professionals to focus on advancing in various aspects of biomaterials science, to improve health and quality of life.
The results of the project will foster the feasibility of many future research projects at national and international level, with an important economic impact linked to the increase in commercial exploitation and funding capacities of organizations that supply biomaterials. In addition, time-to-market will be significantly shortened, along with cost reductions and improved biomaterials, thanks to a faster inclusion of innovation aspects. All this will promote greater efficiency also at the level of the health system.

“Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Health and Digital Executive Agency (HADEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.”