A delegation of university students from Qatar, in particular from the Carnegie Mellon University campus, has recently embarked on a formative journey in the Emilia-Romagna region. This journey is part …
Category archives: News
Biomaterials: Take part in our new survey!
Clust-ER Health is a member of the project “BIOMATDB: Advanced Database for Biomaterials with Data Analysis and Visualisation Tools extended by a Marketplace with Digital Advisors”, funded by Horizon Europe. …
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Clust-ER Health at Arab Health 2024: networking and sustainable development
After its participation in 2022, when the activities also took place in Expo Dubai with the Universities of the Emilia-Romagna Region, the Clust-ER Health Emilia-Romagna returned to the prestigious Arab …
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Clust-ER Health at the World Environmental Education Congress in Abu Dhabi
Innovation in the Health and Life Sciences Sector in Response to Climate Change: the Clust-ER Health and its Regional Action Plan In a world increasingly aware of the impacts of …
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Clust-ER Health at Medica 2023
On november 2023 were at Medica, the most important international fair for the medical sector which is held every year in Düsseldorf and attracts companies from all over the world. …
The AMBITIOUS project officially kicked-off
In the city of Athens, more than 40 representatives from eighteen partners were welcomed at the headquarters of the Hellenic Telecommunications Organisation (OTE) for the inaugural meeting of the AMBITIOUS …
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Second meeting of the BIOMATDB consortium in Barcelona
The latest meeting of the BIOMATDB consortium, held on 23, 24 and 25 October 2023 in Barcelona, brought together a diverse group of partners from all over Europe in the …
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Clust-ER Health at Bio Japan 2023 to promote research and innovation of the Emilia-Romagna region
A new edition of Bio Japan has concluded, the international fair that every year attracts companies from all over the world to explore business and collaboration opportunities in the pharma, …
Clust-ER Health at B.T. Expo 2023
This year again, the participation in BT Expo Shomed, an event organized by Modenafiere with the support of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia and the Clust-ER Health for …
Clust-ER goes international: the next international steps
It promises to be a rather lively autumn from the point of view of international commitments for the Clust-ER Health, which already has many events planned both in Europe and …
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