Emilia-Romagna is the first region in Italy for efficiency of the health system and has always been on the top of the list for quality of universities, number of researchers and quality of the training system.
Alongside these public excellences there is a strong and mature industrial system, which boasts the most important biomedical district in Europe, large companies in the pharmaceutical sector and emerging technological niches, such as those of regenerative medicine, which push the region to the top of the world industry innovation.
For these important results, the regional authority considers the Health and Wellness sector of Emilia-Romagna to be one of the key sectors for the development of adequate innovation policies to maintain the highest standards and bring together important social and economic repercussions for the territory regional.
The Clust-ER Industrie della Salute e del Benessere is an association recognized by the Region, consisting of large companies, SMEs, laboratories of the High Technology Network, research centers, health facilities and training institutions that share skills, ideas and resources to support the competitiveness of the Health and Wellness Industries of Emilia-Romagna.
The Region has identified Clust-ER Health as a key player in the innovation ecosystem capable of multiplying the opportunities for territorial development through the collaborative and participatory approach of its members.
The Clust-ER Health belongs to the regional Clust-ER network of Emilia-Romagna, coordinated by ART-ER, the Emilia-Romagna consortium company for innovation and technology transfer. With the Technopoles and the Laboratories of the High Technology Network they contribute to the development of the territory.
Value Chains
The Clust-ER Health focuses its action on 4 Value Chain, which, through the establishment of working groups, develop the strategic and programmatic lines of the Emilia-Romagna Health and Wellness Industries system. The Clust-ER Health Value Chains are:
- New generation biomedical and prosthetic
- Regenerative and reparative medicine
- Pharmaceutical and omic sciences
- Technologies for healthy, active and independent living
Our Goals
The strategic objectives of the Clust-ER Health are:
- promoting the competitiveness of the pharmaceutical, biotechnology, biomedical and wellness sectors, which are already regional industrial excellence;
- supporting the development of new medicinal products of advanced therapy (ATMPs), new drugs and therapeutic devices, which make it possible to improve the quality of life of people;
- supporting the development of smart medical devices, wearable sensors and digital technologies for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes;
- promoting people’s health and mental and physical well-being through healthy and conscious lifestyles; supporting innovation in industrial processes by introducing biofabrication and solutions typical of Industry 4.0;
- reducing market access time for innovative technologies whose cost-effectiveness has been proven;
- increasing the productivity and integration of public and private social health services, moving towards de-hospitalization of services, planning patient-centered care pathways and greater patient / individual autonomy;
- guarantee the continuous innovation of the sector, through the collaborative planning between companies, research laboratories, health system in order to improve the competitiveness of the entire regional system
Other Clust-ER
Clust-ERs are associations of public and private bodies: companies, research centres and training institutions that share skills, ideas and resources to support the competitiveness the regional industrial strategic sectors.
The Emilia-Romagna Region has found in the Clust-ERs the subjects capable of multiplying innovation opportunities through a collaborative approach, as they focus their activity in R&D strategic sectors.
Together with the Technopoles and the High Technology Network laboratories, they are one of the key players in the regional innovation ecosystem coordinated by ART-ER, the Emilia-Romagna consortium for innovation and technology transfer.
Clust-ERs of Emilia-Romagna are part of the Clust-ER project promoted by ART-ER and are financed by the European Funds of the Emilia-Romagna Region - ERDF ROP 2014-2020.